Corel ArtView! is a screen saver that will allow you to display PICT or Kodak PhotoCD images on your screen.
• Installation
To install Corel ArtView! simply copy the Corel ArtView! application to your hard disk.
To install Corel ArtView! as a startup application, copy the Corel ArtView! application to your startup volume, then make an alias of the Corel ArtView! icon by selecting the newly copied application and choosing "Make Alias" from the "File" menu. Drag the alias file to the "StartUp Items" folder which resides in the "System Folder".
• Notes
Certain PICT images may not appear on black backgrounds. In particular are non-bitmapped PICTS consisting of black objects on a transparent background.
Please note that Corel ArtView! supports drag and drop to build the folder list of the "Configure" option of the "Options" menu. Simply drag and drop a folder of images to the Corel ArtView! program icon, and it will appear in the list of available image folders.
Only a folder of images can be added to the list of "Picture Folders" in the "Configure" dialog. If you have an individual image you would like to display, create a new folder and copy the image to it, then "Add" the newly created folder to the "Picture Folders" list.